New books by Father Don Roth, C.Ss.R.

Father Roth has written two books in Portuguese—the first focusing on God’s love and mercy and the second on the Eucharist.

“My first book is called Misericórdia e pecado: o amor redentor de Deus, which means ‘Mercy and sin: The redemptive love of God,’” he said.

“I wrote it because of my experience in confessions here in Brazil. People are loaded with guilt about their sins and are afraid of God. They see God as angry with them. . . . [And] I show Alphonsus’ theology of redemption and love on the part of God. Most of my sources are Redemptorist.”

The second half of the 60-page book is about the mercy of God, he said. “I kept it very short and simple, otherwise it would never sell here.”

The second and somewhat shorter book is Eucaristia: Alimento para a vida, or Eucharist: Food for Life. “The first part covers the great themes of the Eucharist . . . also Paul’s idea that the people of God participate in Jesus’ priesthood.”

The second half goes through the Mass moment by moment, he said, and helps readers put themselves in the Eucharistic celebration and understand its meaning more deeply. Father Roth is in the process of translating both books into English, after being “asked (ordered) by my sister.”