The winter of ’15

By Father Raymond Collins, C.Ss.R. |

“Oh no,” was the response many in our community heard for about six weeks if we spoke to someone from another part of the country. “Boston? How is it up there?” Well, as of this writing, the snow is melting, although we have broken a record accumulation of 107+ inches.

When we began these notes, we had not yet broken the record. Bostonians like breaking records when it comes to their sports teams, but I don’t think they have snow buildup in mind as a record to be achieved.

We have a small statue of our own St. John Neumann on a pedestal in garden, and that is where the snow built up even more, with the help of snow blowers. So our saint was under snow for a number of weeks. But as above-freezing temperatures began to melt the snow, we began to see St. John Neumann again, who is always an inspiration and guide to us.

Some have asked, “Why all the snow?” Almost all the snow appeared after the New England Patriots won the Super Bowl (see Father Denis Sweeney’s contribution below). It is only a rumor, but this has led some to believe that God is a Seahawks fan and was not in favor of the Patriots! Rumors are only rumors!

Pastorally the season was difficult for many of us because the weekend congregation was much smaller, and we have a number of programs in the parish that needed to be cancelled on weekends and other days as well.

Our school had many snow days, and the education of young people works much better when there is a rhythm and consistency to the school year.

Our seminarians also had a number of days cancelled, but they do not get off the hook as easily because so much is done online. Professors most often assign readings and papers online, and the coursework continues.

Many small businesses that depend on the ordinary pedestrian and automobile traffic came upon difficult times, with great decreases in their business.

We are now more than halfway through Lent, and everyone is looking to the celebration of Easter and a warmer spring!

Top five reasons for the record Boston snow:

5. We want to be winners in everything!

4. What global warming?!!

3. Anything you can do, we can do better!!!

2. Belichick says, “Deflate this!!!!”

1. Obviously God is a Seattle Seahawk fan!!!!!

—Father Denis Sweeney, C.Ss.R.