Provincial’s letter, April 2015
By Father Paul Borowski, C.Ss.R. |
April 1, 2015 |
“Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York;
And all the clouds that low’r’d upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.”
—William Shakespeare, Richard the Third
Dear Brothers:
I am sure that many of us in the Northeast of the United States (especially our confreres in Boston) have felt that this was truly a winter of discontent. We have made it through not only the harsh winter weather but also through the journey of Lent. Perhaps a glorious summer is not yet upon us, but hints of it are on the horizon.
Nearly 40 days ago we all heard the call to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel!” The celebration of Easter and its glorious season does not mean we stop being faithful to the Gospel. Indeed, the message of Easter morning is not only to continue living faithfully but to spread the news that our God is alive. “Why do you seek the living one among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)
After a long winter of freezing temperatures, we look forward to the warmth of spring days. Passing through a season of short daylight, we turn our gaze to days that have a bit more sunshine. We have once again passed through a chilly, dark winter, and now we look forward to a hopefully warmer, brighter spring. This helps us to remember the importance of our Easter celebration.
We once again enter into the sacred mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. It is a celebration of his victory over sin and death. It is a time for us to rejoice in the fact that our God gave His Son to die and rise so that we may all share in eternal life.
The story of Easter tells us that in the midst of darkness the Light of Christ has appeared, and in the face of death the One we seek still walks among us and is living.
Our celebration of the Triduum and Easter is a chance for all of us once again to receive and share the Good News: Good News that is not about events of 2,000 years ago but the Good News that our God still is present in our world and in our lives.
As we begin this sacred time when we recall Christ’s death and resurrection, may our compassionate God bless your celebrations with those we minister with. May Our Mother of Perpetual Help, who stood by the cross and then met the Risen Lord, watch over each and every one of us.
In the Spirit of the Redeemer,
Paul Borowski, C.Ss.R.
“Provident God, you spoke your dream of plentiful redemption in Jesus Christ. Your spirit ignited the heart of St. Alphonsus, inspiring him to found a family in the Church dedicated to proclaiming the good news of plentiful redemption to the most abandoned. Raise up among us strong women and men of faith, afire with love for you and zeal for the mission of proclaiming your word among those who do not know you or who need to hear your word proclaimed anew.
Guide men to respond with generosity as vowed Redemptorists, priests and brothers, and women and men to serve in joy and hope as partners in the Redemptorist mission.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Word, who is our Life. Amen.”